4 Reasons Why You Should Start Running Today

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Have you been looking for an excuse to start running? Well, now is your chance.

Running is one of the most simple sports out there, yet still one of the most enjoyable for so many across the globe.

Many people run for a variety of different reasons, whether looking to shed a few extra pounds, run their first marathon, or used at a stress release from their hectic day sat behind a desk in an office.

However, there are many more reasons why people run – this article will outline five of these, most of which are the most popular.

  1. Stress Release

Regular running is a great way to release stress – especially if you’ve been cooped up in the office or at home all day.

There’s something special about running, it’s just you and the road ahead – a perfect time to think and clear your head.

However, for some, they also like to destress by listening to music or audiobooks when running. This can be a great way to learn on the go, immersing yourself into quite literally another world.

  1. To Lose Weight

If you’ve recently put on a few extra pounds, whether a result of the recent COVID-19 pandemic or else wise, running is a great way to lose this.

We recommend starting off by running two to three times a week, for no longer than 30-minutes at a time.

Slowly increase this as you get better, progressing to running three to five times per week.

  1. It’s Fun…

Contrary to popular belief, running is fun… that’s once you get passed the “I’m dying out here” stage.

The more you run the better you’ll get, and the better you get the more you learn to appreciate the art of both running and nature.

However, first, don’t be disheartened if you don’t enjoy it. It takes time to adjust, both for your body and mind.

  1. Improved Health

Running is fantastic for both our physical and mental health. Now, more than ever these have never been so important – helping to protect us against the recent pandemic that is the coronavirus.

To receive the greatest bang for your buck, we recommend running a minimum of two to three times a week – helping you on your way to becoming even healthier.

To Finish

Regular running is an excellent way to reduce stress, improve mental-welling, improve your physical health, and so much more!

However, before jumping straight into the wonderful sport it’s essential to invest in the right gear first – this will reduce your risk of injury.

We recommend investing in:

Finally, have fun out there and let us know why you love to run… because believe us, you will learn to love it!

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