Finer Options for the Best IVF Treatment

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A study conducted by New York University revealed in December 2011 that stress during pregnancy would affect the sex of the baby. Thus, women stressed during pregnancy would be more likely to have a daughter rather than a boy.

In question? Cortisol, the stress hormone, which would make it more difficult to fix the male embryo on the lining of the uterus. Attention also to heart problems: another study in April 2012 showed that cardiac women would have more baby girls. In conclusion, to have a boy, better stay here. With the gender selection ivf this is important now.

More calcium or sodium to have a girl

A diet rich in calcium and magnesium would favor the birth of girls. With a diet high in sodium and potassium we would be more likely to have a boy.

We owe this method to small marine worms, or more precisely to their observation in the 30s by the German biologist Curt Herbs. The latter had noticed that the mineral composition of the aquatic environment had an influence on the sex of the male or female worms. In the 1960s, other researchers tried to find out more. After many studies, they concluded that a diet rich in calcium and magnesium favored the birth of girls, and that, by focusing on foods containing sodium and potassium, it was more likely to have a boy.

The principle

The ivf doctors put forward the hypothesis that changing one’s dietary habits modifies vaginal secretions and thus favors the mobility of X or Y spermatozoa. According to some, the success rate of this method would be around 80% when the diet is well followed.


You must follow, as seriously as possible, a “girl diet” or “boy”, starting at least two months before stopping your contraception. This diet is more or less easy to follow according to the tastes of each. One thing is certain: if your spouse makes the effort to eat much like you, you will be more motivated. Attention, the diet must be continued until the occurrence of pregnancy. Beyond, no need to continue because once the fertilized egg, nothing obviously cannot influence the sex of the future baby.

To conceive a boy

The diet is salty. Spread the foods from the “girl diet” and favor those who are rich in salt and potassium such as meat and dried or smoked fish, sausages, potatoes, lentils, white beans, avocados, bananas, apples, pears, apricots, dried fruits, Saint-Yore type mineral waters…

To conceive a girl

The diet is rich in calcium and not salty. Avoid foods from the “boy diet” and favor those who are rich in calcium and magnesium such as milk and dairy products, fresh fish and meat in moderate amounts, egg yolks, green vegetables, pasta, rice, semolina, raspberries, strawberries, kiwis, citrus fruits, grapes, mineral waters.

Our opinion

The studies carried out to verify the interest of this method present a statistical bias. They each relate to too few women (60 to 260) to draw any conclusion whatsoever. Moreover, the recommended regimes are unbalanced. But six months of a very salty diet (for who wants a boy) is not innocuous in a woman tending to hypertension! That’s why we advise you to talk about your intentions to a doctor before you start.

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