All About Arthritis

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Arthritis is a blanket term used for many different types of diseases. With over 100 different types of arthritis present, one has to find out the kind of arthritis he or she is suffering from after thorough testing and doctor consultation before the diagnosis can begin. 

Arthritis basically is all about the joints of the body, which is precisely the meeting point of two bones. In some cases, however, arthritis also affects the skin as well as the connective tissue of the body and the organs. While anyone can get afflicted by arthritis, the probability of it surfacing increases as we age, it is estimated that one in every five adults suffers from one or the other form of arthritis. 



One of the common reasons why arthritis occurs is aging. It is because as we age, the bones and the joints in our body wear down and lose their strength compared to when we were young. 


Arthritis is more common among women, except for gout arthritis. The reasons for this occurrence are not yet known.

Excess Weight

The chances of you suffering from arthritis increase drastically if you are obese or overweight. It causes the knee as well as hip bones to work harder, and it wears them down much sooner, causing the problem. 


If you have suffered any major injury in bones, then it might become one of the underlying reasons why arthritis may occur. As trauma or injuries can make bone weak or lose its original strength, it wears down the joints much sooner, causing arthritis to surface.


Anybody infection that helps in the infestation of bacteria, viruses, or fungi near the joints can weaken the bones and the joints. It would trigger inflammation, which would attract arthritis. 


If your work involves carrying a lot of weight or causes your knees and hips to be under tremendous stress, it increases the chances of you suffering from arthritis. Similarly, some exercises, when not done correctly or overdone like squats, skipping, or squats, can cause arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis. There are knee caps/sleeves available that can be worn to get some relief. If the problem occurs in the hands or wrists, wearing wrist braces for arthritis can offer the solution and control the situation from getting worse. 


The symptoms of arthritis mostly involve pain, swelling, and discomfort. If left unchecked, it can cause issues with your fluid mobility and may cause handicap in doing many activities, involving driving, running, and more. In some cases, the severity of the symptoms is mild, while in other cases, it may be highly severe, needing immediate treatment. In any case, the diagnosis should begin as soon as it is identified. Some of the common symptoms of arthritis are as follows –

  • The affected joints get swollen or get too stiff, causing motion issues. 
  • The joints get reddish and feel warmer than the rest of the body. It is caused by inflammation in the joints. 
  • The affected region feels particularly and unusually tender. 
  • One of the common symptoms of arthritis is that it restricts movements by causing pain and rigidity. You would have issues moving legs, hands, or hips, whichever part of the body is affected.
  • Everyday mobility is severely impacted, and if left unchecked, it may make you dependent on others or using specialized assisted tools for everyday tools. 

Types of Arthritis

As mentioned above, there are over 100 different types of arthritis, but the most common are 

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gout
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


The treatment of arthritis would help to control the pain and from arthritis to get more severe. Some of the common treatment methods are –

  • Splints or braces.
  • Medication
  • Physical therapy.
  • Weight Loss
  • Proper diet plan
  • Surgery (in some cases)

It is necessary to visit a doctor if you are suffering from arthritis or feel that you have any of the symptoms mentioned above. Starting the diagnosis early would help protect your joints and bones from further damage and ensure a faster recovery.


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