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Krista Bannon is a renowned general surgeon. She has more than five years’ experience in her line of work. Bannon is amongst the doctors who deal with varicose veins at the Metro Vein Centers. At the moment, she is working with the Metro Vein Centers situated in Rochester Hills, MI. Over the years, Bannon has undergone some training on how to handle various vein diseases. She has also carried out some in-depth research. Bannon has also managed to publish her research, and she has also been engaging in medical mission work.

Some of the aspects that Bannon values are such as surgical excellence and patient care. Her primary focus is on ensuring that each of her patients has access to quality surgical services. Before undertaking general surgery, Bannon had initially studied psychology/pre-med.

About Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are normally enlarged and twisted veins. The superficial veins are the ones that are mostly affected, especially the ones in the legs. As a result, when a person stands, they may be unable to walk upright since the pressure there is a lot of pressure piling up on the lower body. Varicose veins affect people in different ways. Some people may have a high level of discomfort, and they may experience varying levels of pain. When a person is suffering from varicose veins, they should consult a vein doctor.

The Symptoms of Varicose Veins

In some instances, the doctor may have to remove the veins.


Varicose veins do not cause any form of pain. Some of the signs that you may be suffering from varicose veins include;

  • The veins are usually blue or dark purple.
  • The veins will bulge and appear twisted.

When a person undergoes pain when suffering from varicose veins, the symptoms may include;

  • Your legs may be achy.
  • After standing for a long time, you may experience a lot of pain.
  • The legs may appear swollen.
  • The veins may be itchy.
  • The skin may be discolored.

Varicose veins are similar to spider veins. The only difference is that the spider veins are smaller, and they appear close to the sin, and they are usually blue or red. The spider veins can also occur on the face and the legs. They also vary in size, and they appear to be like spider webs.

When You Should See a Doctor

It is possible to get rid of the varicose veins by exercising and also wearing some stockings that can bring about compression. Such stockings will also help to manage the pain. If the condition seems dire, you can go ahead and consult a vein doctor.

The Causes of Varicose Veins

Damaged and weak veins usually cause varicose veins. The arteries are in charge of transporting blood from the heart, and the veins usually return the blood to the heart so that it may be recirculated. The veins are supposed to work against gravity.

Some of the muscle contractions in a person’s legs act as pumps. The veins walls are also elastic since they are supposed to return the blood to the heart. The tiny valves usually open up when the blood is being transported to the heart. If one of the valves is either damaged or weak, the blood can flow backward, and the veins will be twisted or stretched.

Some of the factors that may increase a person’s chances of suffering from varicose veins include;

  • Age- as a person ages, the veins usually wear and tear. The blood may flow backwards, and the veins will be stretched and twisted.
  • Sex- women are at a higher chance of developing such a condition because of the hormonal changes that they experience when they are pregnant. Also, some hormonal treatments, such as birth control pills may affect women adversely.

If you are suffering from varicose veins, you should feel free to visit any vein doctor that may be working in one of the Metro Vein Centers branches. They will carry out a diagnosis and offer a suitable treatment option for your condition.

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