Best Electronic Cigarette Brands – Choosing The Best From The Rest

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Electronic cigarettes have been a great invention for those who are fed up of smoking tobacco based cancer causing cigarettes and also these products help users to smoke with a clean environment since, unlike traditional cigarettes, they don’t produce smoke rather they give out a vapor content that is inhaled by the smoker, this vapor content being harmless to the people around the one smoking, added to this, they also help get rid of ash content and cigarette butts that make the smoking environment untidy, making these products allowable to be smoked in public places also.

Since, the launch of this technique in China, and due to its beneficial points, the popularity it has gained over the years has provoked many contenders to try their hands in this trade as well. This has made the availability of many brands in the market of electronic cigarettes. Out of many brands available, very few have made it to the top of the list of the best ecig australiaThe brands being chosen the best have some features that are helpful in deciding which brands are better than the others.

Factors to Decide the Better Brands

Due to the availability of various brands in the market of electronic cigarettes, there have been rise of many factors that decide which brands have made it to the best of the electronic cigarette brands. The factors related to the topic are as discussed below:

  • Smoking Habits: Depending on the habits of a smoker, the brand can be chosen accordingly. Those smokers, who are occasional smokers can use low nicotine content cigarettes to get satisfaction, while those with heavy smoking habits need strong nicotine contents to satisfy their smoking requirements. So, the variety of nicotine content made available from the manufacturing company is a prime reason in deciding which brand will make it to be the best.
  • Propylene Glycol (PG) or Vegetable Glycerin (VG): These are the two materials, which are used to make vapor content in the electronic cigarettes. Depending on the choice of the smoker, the availability of one or both or the mixture of both helps deciding which brand to choose.
  • Availability of flavors: Various manufacturers have made available a long list of flavors that help people chose their right kind of brand. Without the presence of any flavor, the electronic cigarettes would have been tasteless and this could have been the reason in the loss of craze for these products. So, quality and variety of flavors also help in altering the list of favorite brands.
  • Battery Life: Since, electronic cigarettes are operated with the help of batteries, so, the life of batteries is very important and a deciding factor in this race. Customers want to have a product that will help them to smoke for a long time without being worried about the life of the batteries in their products. Also, here the role of chargers is countable.
  • Quality: The quality grade of the ingredients used in the products is the main factor to decide the better of the products.

After having a thorough study of various brands, you will surely be able to create your list of best electronic cigarette brands.

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