Can depression be cured without resorting to medication?

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Depression is commonly identified medically as DSM-5 or MDD (major depressive disorder) and is sometimes also referred to as clinical depression. In the year 2018, more than 21 million adults all over the US were diagnosed with a minimum of one major chapter of depression in their lives. 

While it is true that depression or major depressive disorder is treatable and its symptoms can also be relieved, it can’t be cured. An exemption is a goal instead. Depression has got a high chance of recurring and it is seen that 50% of people who have experienced at least one episode of depression have later on been subject to several episodes of depressive disorder. 

In order to beat depression, you need to know the facts. According to OKC Counseling, depression is a medical condition that is often confused with utter laziness or a temporary way of responding to discouragement, grief, and despair. 

The warning signs of depression

If you have to be sure that what you are feeling is not laziness but depression, you must be experiencing 5 or more of the below-mentioned warning signs for a constant period of 2 weeks or more. Check out the most common symptoms of depression.

  • Irritable mood 
  • Alterations in interests
  • Sleep issues or insomnia
  • Unbelievably low self-esteem 
  • Excessive self-guilt
  • Considerably low energy or a subtle change in self-care
  • Changes in appetite
  • Worse levels of concentration
  • Panic attacks, agitation, or severe anxiety attacks
  • Suicidal plans, behaviors, or thoughts

Why does depression sometimes go away and sometimes doesn’t?

There are many who believe that time is the best healer but this is not always true when it comes to depression. No matter how long depression lasts, whether or not it will go away without treatment depends on several factors. 

What type of depression?

There are a few types of depression that last for a longer time than the others. For instance, the seasonal affective mental disorder occurs usually during the winter months. On the other hand, the persistent depressive disorder can be diagnosed when depression lasts for more than 2 years.

What has triggered the depression?

The underlying cause of your depression might have an impact on the length of time it stays. If it is caused due to a temporary stressful period or a definite situation, it might not last for too long a time. 

You may also get depression due to other health issues. For instance, there are women who get the premenstrual dysphoric disorder. This is a typical form of depression that is linked with premenstrual syndrome. Similarly, new moms can also develop postpartum depression. These can be treated by talking to your therapist or counselor. 

Why is it important to treat depression?

While there are several antibiotics or other medicines that cure the ailment for which they’re designed, yet antidepressants are never known to cure depression. The effect caused by antidepressants is temporary because they work by altering the chemistry of the brain. Hence, this works only through the time period during which the patient takes the medicines. Antidepressants don’t address the main cause of depression. 

Regardless of the cause, depression, when left untreated, can lead to a debilitating impact on the individual where it starts interfering with his daily life. Severe depressive disorder can even lead to suicidal thoughts in case it doesn’t get immediate attention. 

When you have depression, it gets even more difficult to treat other illnesses since you lack the energy and motivation to fight against other sicknesses. This makes it tougher for patients to abide by their treatment regimens.  

So, while it is not possible for a single episode of depression to vanish on its own, reaching out for professional help can certainly help you feel better. Sit with your doctor to discuss the best treatment option for you. 

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