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To start this article off, the rule we all need to follow if you want to know about water saved in 300-gallon water storage is going bad. The rule of thumb is that one person needs to drink about a gallon of water daily. Half of that gallon goes down the throat; the other half goes to your hygiene.

Several other factors would make you know if the water saved in 300-gallon water storage could go wrong or not.

These factors include the following;

If you stay in a scorching climate or if your tank has some broken parts.

So now you know that someone needs to consume a gallon of water a day. But how does that correlate with 300-gallon water storage water that could go bad? Well, if, for example, you have about ten people living in your apartment, that means in about thirty days, that water available in the 300-gallon water storage would be used. But if maybe one of them leaves and probably travels to another place or stops using the water, that water would remain in the tank. If probably no one touches the water and it just remains in the tank doing absolutely nothing, it is going to go bad after a while. I would explain the reasons why this happens.

What causes water saved in 300-gallon water storage to go wrong?

Bacteria, Microbes, and algae are the answer to the question. Water needs to continue flowing; if left in a particular place for a long time, these microbes and bacteria will grow out of nothing. That’s why rivers and springs always flow. This doesn’t allow the water to set and remain in a place where these microbes can grow. You understand. But if you leave the water inside this large water storage tank without letting it flow, you would have bad water in no time.

So yes, water saved in 300-gallon water storage could go bad. The ideal question you should be asking is how long you should leave water stored in 300-gallon water storage and what I can do to prevent the water inside 300-gallon water storage from going bad.

How long can I leave water stored in 300-gallon water storage?

The most time you can leave water stored in a  300 gallon water storage is about two weeks. After this time, you need to either clean your 300-gallon water storage or put in chemicals or empty your tank and put in brand new freshwater. This way you get rid of the unpleasant smell which comes out of bad spoilt water. That smell is not comfortable at all. And when your water starts smelling like that, the unpleasant smell can be perceived from far away. That’s the unfortunate thing, especially if you need to use your water.

What can I do to prevent water from going wrong in a 300-gallon water storage

Like I stated earlier, you could apply some chlorine inside your 300-gallon water storage; this way, after all the accumulated dirt gathers, you can make use of a dirt packer and get rid of all the dirt. But this could be stressful. The most straightforward way to clean your tank and make sure the water inside is kept fresh is to keep things flowing using the water and having a pipe connected to the tank. This way, as soon as you fetch from the water available inside the 300-gallon water storage, you also replace it. This is similar to how water from the springs is. It is pretty tricky for you to have spring water going bad now, can you? Because that source of water is constantly flowing.

What happens if all the methods above do not work?

Worst comes to worst, you empty your tank, go inside the tank and wash the hell out of it like you’ll be washing a house or a car. You settle down, get your detergent and adequately wash the tank.  An ancient tank, too, could make your water dirty. This is why you need to take proper care of your tank itself to reduce aging speed.

Also, make sure the type of water put inside the 300-gallon water storage is clean. You might have put foul water, and when you want to fetch it, you’ll notice that the water is bad already. That would not be nice for your tank and you.

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