Cellulite: What You Should Know

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There is little time left to enjoy vacations on the beach or in the pool, and women (also men, although to a lesser extent due to genetics) begin to obsess about eliminating cellulite from their bodies. Not an easy task, but not impossible.

To start talking about how to get rid of cellulite from our body, we need to know exactly what cellulite is. With this, we will have more tools like medical monitors to fight it.

What Is Cellulite

The cellulite is the accumulation of fatty tissue-specific, especially in the thighs and abdomen. It mainly affects women, although men also suffer from it.

We can determine that it is a localized concentration of fat reflected in the form of small nodules, which are translated into little dimples in the skin.

It must be emphasized that having cellulite is not a disease, but it is feared for its aesthetic appearance. It should be noted that it mainly affects women over 30 years of age, although adolescents increasingly suffer from it.

Cellulite In Women And Men: Hormones And Genetics

The fact that it affects women more than men is related to the female body’s hormones. However, cellulite is present in both women and men.

In women, estrogens favor the accumulation of fat because it intensifies fluid retention. It concentrates on the existing layer just under the skin, which is why it is so visible. The body’s areas most affected by cellulite are the thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen.

Cellulite: Orange Peel

When talking about cellulite, the term orange peel is often used because, when it appears, the skin resembles the texture of said fruit, consisting of small dimples.

Although we have already pointed it out, it must be reiterated that it is not a disease but merely a condition that affects the skin and worries only from an aesthetic perspective.

It is important to note that the appearance of cellulite is not always related to obesity. It appears in many people who are not overweight and who are within the established Body Mass Indices.

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