Chlamydia Testing by Urine and Blood Samples

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Chlamydia testing is an important step in preventing transmission of this disease. It is recommended that a person get tested at the first prenatal visit if they are having sexual intercourse with a new partner. If you have been previously tested for chlamydia or are currently being tested for this disease, you can go to a health clinic for a special sample. In some clinics, medical professionals will also be able to give you a home test kit in which to test for the disease.

There are several ways to get a chlamydia testing kit. You can buy these over the counter, and sometimes you can even get them without a prescription through insurance companies. Many times, your regular doctor can recommend a specific company or store where you can get tested. Sometimes, though, you can receive a home kit from a different provider, or through an online retailer like std-test-kit.

A lot of sexually active women don’t get tested for chlamydia every year. It is important to know if you have been exposed to a risky partner because it can put you at risk for infecting a partner. Not being tested can put you at risk for infecting multiple partners. This is especially true for women who had multiple sex partners and are no longer having any sexual contact with any of those partners.

Chlamydia testing can either be done at a medical facility or at home. A medical facility will have a sample collection form where you will have to provide some information about your sexual partner. The health professionals will use the sample to do some typing of the chlamydia bacteria on your body. Once the samples are collected, they will send the samples to a laboratory. Depending on the results of the testing, your doctor will be able to tell you whether or not you are positive, and if you are, what your chances are of getting the disease.

You can also collect a small brush from the vagina and send it to the lab. The results are sent to your medical professional within a few weeks. If the results of both tests are positive, then your medical professional will prescribe an antibiotic for you. It is very important to remember that antibiotics cannot distinguish between good and bad bacteria. So if you are prescribed antibiotics, you will have to take them regularly, even after your antibiotics have been taken. Missing out on your antibiotics could put you at risk for getting another infection.

Chlamydia Testing by urine or blood samples: There are different types of Chlamydia Testing by urine and blood samples available for you to choose from. The type of Chlamydia Testing by urine and blood samples that you choose will depend on the level of infection detected in your body. For example, Chlamydia Testing by urine samples when you are early on in the infection will detect an infection in the early stages of its development. In such instances, there is no need to send a sample to the laboratory for Chlamydia Testing by blood samples. However, Chlamydia Testing by blood sample is necessary for detecting Chlamydia that has spread to a certain part of your body. You will need to undergo Chlamydia Treatment by using antibiotics if you have contracted a serious infection such as the ones that cause pelvic inflammatory disease or cervicitis.

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