Different Diets for Different People

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There are a lot of diets out there, some are about just weight loss, some are about a healthier lifestyle, some are about cutting out specific food groups, and some, well who knows what the idea is behind some! For people with chronic health conditions, diet can be a way to manage a condition or its symptoms, for example, a hidradenitis suppurativa diet for people with HS, or an AIP diet for people with chronic inflammation. The key is we are all different, and our bodies respond differently when we make changes.

Different body types respond differently to different diets

We all have different body types and so what might affect one person strongly, might not affect another at all. Eating a lot of carbohydrates can make some people feel overly tired, for example, but others are energized by them. Some people can manage on one or two meals a day, some need to eat every two or three hours. Some gain weight easily and some not easily at all. Add in something like high blood pressure, psoriasis, HS, or diabetes and again food has a different impact. Genes have a big part to play as can habits and your environment. Some things that work for others might not for you because of who your parents are or the lifestyle you lead.

Weight loss is hard

Losing weight is hard, but it is something that a lot of people are advised to do if they are obese and if their weight is having an impact on their condition like HS or type 2 diabetes. A hidradenitis suppurativa diet, which is essentially just a way to eat healthier and cut out some trigger foods like dairy, added sugars, brewer’s yeast and less saturated fat and processed foods, can help lessen the symptoms in some people with HS. Being overweight worsens the impact of those flare-ups so losing weight is generally advised when it is not within the healthy range.

But losing weight is hard, even when you have the best reasons to do it. A strict routine might suit some, but not others. Food preferences can make certain types of diet even harder. But that does not mean you shouldn’t try and keep trying. It is normal to have stops and starts. Just look at what best works for you and keep trying your best.


Whether you are looking at something like a hidradenitis suppurativa diet to help reduce your flare-ups, or are looking for something solely to lose weight on, remember you are an individual and your chances of success go up when you focus on balance, moderation, and watching your own body and do what works for you. In general, it is usually also a good idea to include some lifestyle adjustments too. Add in what exercise you can manage and build it up. If you have a lot of stress in your life find a way to mitigate it. Give up smoking, and drink alcohol in moderation. Make sure you are sleeping well. These along with diet changes are the best things you can do for yourself and your well-being.

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