Excellent Tips for Maintaining Fitness Equipment

Excellent Tips for Maintaining Fitness Equipment

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Whether you work, run, own a community gym, or go to your home gym, you’ll have two reasons to keep your fitness equipment in top condition. First, safety and efficiency. Your sports equipment needs to work correctly, and you want to prevent accidents and injury to yourself or people using the equipment.

The second is purely economic. The better condition you can keep your machines and equipment in, the longer they will last, and the less you will have to pay for repairs. The secret is to prevent breakdowns before they happen. Machines out of order mean dissatisfied customers or idle on that day or even several days. It makes sense to buy the highest quality machines you can afford.

Determining which parts may be vulnerable and if spare parts are available may be a good idea when purchasing equipment. Items like bolts and wires tend to wear out over time and with heavy use, no matter what quality equipment you buy. It is important to set up a fitness equipment maintenance routine regularly. Keep your gym clean and dust free. Regular vacuuming helps prevent dirt buildup under and around machines. If you have carpets, rubber mats under individual machines will help keep carpet fibers from getting caught in moving parts.

They also make it easier to clean up the area. Remember that dust, moisture, and dirt can seriously damage the electronic components of machines. With this in mind, ensure the rags and sponges are not too wet when cleaning machines. Installing surge protectors to protect machines from power surges or thunderstorms would be wise. Pay special attention to moving parts. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to apply grease, graphite, Teflon spray, or oil as needed.

Due to the presence of perspiration and the high amount of germs that people bring into your gym, you should consider using antibacterial cleaners, and all machines should be cleaned every day and often on hot days. Even while exercising, keep a rag handy to wipe or polish here and there. LSG Fitness may offer a maintenance or service contract when purchasing equipment.

It is very comfortable. Each piece of equipment should have a log to track what has been done easily and when parts need replacing. It is essential when you have a public gym and employ staff. The operating instructions for each machine should be kept in the logbook. Follow instructions for assembly or assembly and maintenance of machine parts. Perform routine checks on all nuts and bolts to ensure none have begun to loosen. Also, check belt tension and look for signs of wear or breaks.


Check the upholstery for damage and repair any tears quickly before they get bigger. Check all stop/start buttons, electronic controls, levers, switches, and mechanical controls. Train your ears to listen for unusual sounds, squeaks, squeals, or other warning sounds.

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