HAIs Prevention | The Importance of Reliable Skin Disinfectant

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Skin disinfectant is one of the most straightforward and essential parts of disease prevention and control. It cut off the mode of transmission, i.e., the path connecting source of pathogens and the susceptible subjects, which is one of the critical components in the HAIs chain. This small step is, surprisingly, the first line of defense for human disease prevention and control. We can know the importance of skin disinfectant from HAIs prevention.

What is HAIs

Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in healthcare. As a threat to the patient’s life, HAIs are also responsible for substantial healthcare costs. Based on a cost analysis by Zimlichman in 2012, the total annual costs for the 5 major infections were $9.8 billion, including surgical site infections, ventilator-associated pneumonia, central line-associated bloodstream infections, etc. With the growing concerns of multidrug-resistant microorganisms (MDROs), the prevention of such infections becomes even more critical.

Role of skin hygiene in HAIs

Non-direct contact can also pose a risk of infection. From surrounding areas of positive inpatients, Pathogens identified are tested substantially higher than that from negative inpatients. If a negative patient is put into a ward previously occupied by positive patients, the odds of contracting the infections are significantly higher. As reported, the pathogens are able to survive on inanimate surfaces for hours, weeks and even months. The pathogens on inanimate surfaces (environmental surfaces and medical device surfaces) have been proved to be directly related to increased HAIs on epidemiology. Exposed to such an environment, skin hygiene of the patients is not that easy to guarantee.

Skin disinfection and lessened HAIs

For many facilities, disinfection and cleaning have become a standard practice due to the evidence-based data and guidelines. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends that all healthcare settings should make infection prevention a priority. The standard precautions, including environmental cleaning and skin disinfectant, can effectively reduce infection transmission.

How to choose a proper skin disinfectant

There are four must-know tips on choosing adequate skin disinfectant.

(1) Dwell time (or Contact time). Most skin disinfectant products have a contact time equal to or less than 3 minutes to disinfect pathogens effectively. To meet the practical demands in clinical settings, you better make sure you get it clear enough.

(2) Broad-spectrum pathogen claims. The most common ones are Bactericidal, Virucidal, and Mycobactericidal. However, the fungicidal claim should not be overlooked. According to the report, fungi accounted for 13% HAIs, which is big enough to raise attention to. Due to the size visually detected, a substantial amount of blood contamination is occult.

(3) Material compatibility. Medical device providers and skin disinfectant manufacturers need to work more closely, especially at an early stage when they choose more durable materials for common skin disinfectant and develop skin disinfectant with less residue and better chemical compatibility.

For example, MANTACC pre-saturated disinfectant swab has been widely used for skin disinfection. With a formulation of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) and 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA), it meets the strict clinical requirements of the FDA and kills more bacteria than traditional Iodophor swabs and alcohol swabs. This disposable skin disinfectant is easy to use and sustain sterilization without irritating the skin.

Skin disinfectant is the key to prevent and decrease HAIs, especially on epidemiology. If you are looking for reliable skin disinfectant, you might give MANTACC a try. In order to meet or even exceed the industry standard, its plant is wholly equipped with DI water system, sterilization equipment and purification workshops. With CE and FDA Approval, its pre-saturated disinfectant swab is a good helper in skin disinfection.

For more information, please visit: https://www.mantacc.com

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