Helpful Tips For Cycling

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When reading this text, it is a sign that you have already made the most important decision: start cycling. But, before getting on the bike or getting a bike like exercise bikes uk amongst others, it is very worthwhile to get some tips.

  1. Pay Attention To Food And Hydration

As in any other sport, care with food is very important in biking for beginners and veterans. In general, those who cycle should favor a diet rich in carbohydrates due to the high caloric consumption required by the activity.

However, avoid eating very heavy and difficult to digest foods before practice, with fried foods, sweets, and meats. The ideal, at this time, is the consumption of light foods and with low glycemic content, such as whole cookies, fruits, and juices.

During cycling, opt for specific supplements such as carbohydrate gel, for example. In the end, invest in combinations between protein and carbohydrates, such as bread and meat – preferably in whole order and chicken -, in addition to chestnuts, nuts, and the like.

Hydration is as or more important than food. The main tip in this regard is not to wait to drink water only when you feel thirsty. When this happens, your body is already showing signs of dehydration.

Therefore, include in the routine the habit of constantly drinking water while cycling. And also, drink plenty of water in the days before and after exercise, so you will always be resistant to longer journeys!


Group cycling is safer than alone. Hundreds of cyclists get together to stroll, and there are specific classes for those who are starting like you.

Short routes, with few climbs and a light pace, are the proposals of groups for beginners. Usually, they meet at night in the city, to have a good walk and make new friends.

In addition to having the support of more experienced cyclists – the organizers are veterans of the bike – you will ride better and learn more about cycling.

Search for a group of beginners on social media or go to the stores in your area, which usually organize tours.

  1. Ride By Known Places

This tip is valid whether you are cycling alone or accompanied by someone new to it: make routes that you know have bike paths or cycle tracks.

Cycling through places you know will make you feel more confident and keep you from getting lost. Over time, it will be common for you to explore new paths and environments, but only with calm and experience. Biking for beginners or experienced cyclists requires patience and a lot of training, and the results of this are excellent.

  1. Respect Your Limits

Know your limits, and don’t go overboard on the ride. Wanting to get more and more mileage and pedaling at a strong pace are common wishes for cyclists. But be careful; this is only possible with training and experience; in addition, a bike for beginners is not always suitable for strong pedaling.

Cycling is a physical exercise and is only well used when you respect your limits. After all, you don’t want to get far, but having to be rescued because you can’t stand cycling home, do you?

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