How Does Garlic Oil Promote Healthy Hair?

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Everyone is dreaming of having healthy hair, shiny and silky to describe. Many hair care products are coming out today, convincing everyone. Yet, nobody can prove it unless they have tried and confirmed it. 

With these bunches or hair products, the only proof of their efficacy is the properties or ingredients that are beneficial to the hair. What is the point of garlic’s hair health benefits? Everyone’s Hair Care needs different solutions according to the hair type, but garlic oil has a property that promotes healthy hair. 

Garlic oil for hair

The health nutrients from garlic oil promote healthy hair from its vitamins and minerals, such as:

  • Vitamins B-6
  • Vitamin C
  • Manganese
  • Selenium

These are the vitamins and minerals that garlic oil contains. Also, it has antifungal contents that kill bacteria and fight germs. You can have a clean and zero-dandruff scalp. Indeed, garlic oil is a natural remedy that leads to hair growth and prevents the hair from thinning. 

Garlic oil is a hair straightener. The nutrients found give more lustrous locks. The nutrients of garlic hair that are talked about here are:

  • Vitamin B6
  • Potassium
  • Iron 

If you may not know, garlic oil controls frizz. Garlic helps tame frizzy strands and keeps them smooth and lustrous. It controls sebum production, which is what causes hair to become greasy and curly.

Garlic is a powerful herb with natural properties that promote these two factors:

  • removes dandruff
  • fights scalp infection
  • strengthen follicles
  • prevents split ends
  • boosts metabolism

With all these, you will have stronger strands and less breakage. Garlic is rich in sulfuric acid – good for the scalp and hair. It helps promote hair growth because it stimulates blood circulation.

Garlic oil for skin

Aside from the benefits of garlic oil to the skin, it also has skin benefits. Skin Care treatment using garlic helps the following:

  • Prevents acne
  • Lightens acne scars
  • Cold sores
  • Psoriasis
  • Rashes
  • Blisters 

Garlic oil can also protect the skin against UV rays and prevent aging.

What makes the garlic oil good for the skin?

According to the study, garlic oil helps fight skin issues. The antifungal properties of garlic help treat the following skin conditions:

  • Candida
  • Malassezia
  • Dermatophytes

Sprinkle mildly heated garlic oil on the skin’s affected areas daily for a week and see the difference. Although turmeric and ginger are traditional natural medicines for skin issues, garlic is included. Garlic has numerous health benefits and amazing disease-fighting properties. In many cases, these garlic cloves are used for medical purposes where garlic oil is to the rescue.

How to make garlic oil?

Crush garlic cloves and saute in a saucepan along with olive oil. Heat the mixture on medium heat for 5 to 8 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the mixture into the air-tight glass jar. The homemade garlic oil is ready for use.

Many believe that garlic can help treat acne and hair fall. The full essential nutrients of garlic oil have anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe inflamed skin. Garlic is not only a spice but also considered as a natural remedy for hair and skin problems.

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