
Invisalign for Complex Cases: Is It Effective?

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Patients in Burlington often believe that complicated cases like open bites, underbites, or overbites cannot be treated with Invisalign. The Invisalign system can manage complex dental issues, including crossbites and even missing teeth when used by an experienced dentist.

Because the Invisalign system can deal with the majority of orthodontic concerns with relative simplicity, it may be the logical choice for patients seeking an “invisible” and hassle-free substitute for traditional braces. For more information about Invisalign, contact a dentist in Burlington.

Can Invisalign treat complex dental cases?

Invisalign for Overbite

The condition known as overbite happens when the upper jaw’s set of teeth grows over the lower set when biting, creating a gap between the two sets of teeth. With overbites accounting for over 70 percent of orthodontic dental abnormalities in children, this disorder is one of the most prevalent types of malocclusion that impacts younger patients. Genetic behaviors are typically the cause of overbites. The growth of both jaws, however, may also be affected by habits formed during adolescence.

Untreated overbite can result in a number of other issues, including:

  • Poor dental care
  • Inflammation of the gums
  • Joint and jaw pain
  • Speech problems, such as lisps

Increased sensitivity, dental trauma, or even a painful tooth abscess may arise from faster tooth wear caused by grinding teeth, which wears away tooth enamel.

Can Overbites Be Corrected with Invisalign?

Yes, overbites can be corrected using Invisalign. Invisalign might be a good treatment option, depending on the patient’s age and the degree of overbite.

Invisalign for Underbite

When the lower teeth expand and extend in the direction of the upper teeth during biting, this is referred to as an underbite. The lower jaw becomes displaced and pushed forward as a result of this improper tooth alignment. Underbites are usually caused by hereditary predisposition, even though they can also be brought on by teen habits that affect the growth of the upper and lower jaw. Underbites can result from either an undeveloped upper jaw, an overdeveloped lower jaw, or both.

Untreated underbite can result in a number of problems, including:

  • A strange and unpleasant smile
  • Speech issues
  • Poor oral function: Patients who have an underbite find it hard to bite or chew correctly.
  • Insufficient dental care
  • An increased likelihood of gum disease and front tooth damage


Can Underbites Be Fixed with Invisalign?

Yes, certain kinds of underbites can be treated with Invisalign. Invisalign might be a good treatment choice, depending on the patient’s age and the degree of the underbite. Severe underbites that occur from a major skeletal misalignment of the jaw might require further care, such as surgery to straighten the jaw, in which a dentist will move and manipulate the lower jaw to obtain the optimal bite position.

Invisalign for Crossbite

In contrast to an underbite, where nearly all of the upper front teeth are below the lower front teeth, a crossbite is a bite misalignment in which just a few higher teeth are behind the lower teeth. 

Crossbites usually occur by genetic predisposition, although they can also be a result of adolescent habits that impact mouth breathing, delayed or irregular tooth growth, and upper and lower jaw development.

Can Crossbites Be Fixed with Invisalign?

Yes, a lot of crossbite types can be corrected using Invisalign. Invisalign might be an effective treatment option, depending on the patient’s age and the severity of their crossbite.

Invisalign for Open bite

When a patient bites down completely, there is a space between a few of their upper and lower teeth. This is known as an open bite. When closing their mouth, people who have an open bite will usually have a visible “gap/opening.” Depending on the location and cause, there are various kinds of open bites. Although mouth breathing, delayed or irregular tooth growth, bad oral habits like thumb-sucking, nail-biting, and prolonged pacifier usage may all lead to open bites, they are primarily the result of a hereditary propensity.

Can an open bite be fixed with Invisalign?

Yes, almost all open bites can be treated with Invisalign. Invisalign might be a good treatment option, depending on the patient’s age and the extent of the open bite.

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