Is drinking alkaline water beneficial to health?

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Drinking water is vital for our metabolism, particularly for exchanges between our cells, especially since the human body is made up of 70% water. However, tap water is not always the best solution to ensure good health. It should then be subjected to ionization for better protection. Alkaline water is thus revealed as a solution which helps to maintain the acid / base balance in your body. Instead of plain water, opt for alkaline ionized water to hydrate you on a daily basis.

What is the pH?

The pH (Potential Hydrogen) is a coefficient used to know whether the water is acidic or alkaline. From 1 to less than 7, the level is considered to be acidic. On the other hand, equal to 7 is said to be neutral. Above 7 is considered to be alkaline. It is suggested to maintain the level from 7.35 to 8.2. Above the level is not recommended. This must obviously be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle, that is to say, a healthy diet, rich in vegetables and fruits.

We are daily exposed to pollution. To this is added stress due to our fast paced lifestyle. Above all, the foods we consume are full of acidic and fatty materials. This is because they emit acidic wastes in our body. This is why we are almost all victims of acidosis. In Japan and other Asian countries, water ionizers have been used for over 40 years. However, alkaline water must be taken in comfort, not excessively. You need to maintain a balance between tap water and alkaline water. You can alternate the consumption.

How to get alkaline water?

To get this solution naturally, first do a pH test using a strip. If your tap water is less than 7, it is possible to make it more alkaline by adding 2.5 of baking soda. Another option is lemon and Himalayan salt. Cut a whole lemon in half, and collect the juice to alkalize 2 liters of tap water. Add your Himalayan salt to it. Let the solution sit for a few hours. The alkaline water obtained should have a pH between 8 and 9. By drinking alkaline water regularly, you strengthen your immune system against free radicals. You prevent the appearance of several diseases.

Alkaline water and antioxidant

If we are talking about high-antioxidant value, how can we miss alkaline water? This helps protect your body against free radicals and thus prevent against many diseases. It is better to prevent than to cure and anticipate the risk of the occurrence of many pathologies. In fact, antioxidants are effective in lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Besides, anti-oxidants stop fat oxidation, so that the blood vessels remain unharmed. In several published study, it was proven that alkaline water helps neutralize the action of oxidative elements that attack body tissues, especially DNA.

Alkaline water rich in antioxidant helps to prevent appearance of cancerous cells or tumor. However, anti-oxidants also protects eyes, cells damaging, and premature skin aging. By countering the pollution, antioxidants protect your skin glow.

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