Is it legal to buy HGH in Canada?

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HGH And the Use for the Best in Canada Now

This article about anabolic steroids, is not intended to encourage doping. None of the examples below should be considered as a prescription. The use, possession, sale or import of doping products is prohibited by law. For the HGH Canada this is important now. And yes, it is a legally approved drug now.

Anabolic steroids, are very active drugs whose absorption is in no way without side effects. Only a qualified doctor can prescribe it and only for health reasons, because the sporting use of anabolic steroids is prohibited by law.

For information, the prescribing physician may incur a cancellation of the order of doctors, or even a prison sentence if he transgresses the ban without valid justification.

Anabolic steroids are very popular sportsmen, professionals and amateurs, to boost their performance. “Faster, higher, stronger,” the Olympic motto that encourages more and more records, inevitably leads athletes to use chemicals to be even better.

Anabolic steroids produce two categories of effects:

  • The androgenic effects, with an accentuation of the masculine sexual characteristics (increase of the hair system, thickening of the vocal cords, increase of the libido.)
  • Anabolic effects, with an increase in muscle mass and / or a decrease in fat mass.
  • Anabolic effects are sought after in the field of bodybuilding, with the aim of getting bigger muscles, better quality and more strength in training.
  • Anabolic steroids will also bring the athlete to have more energy, a better concentration and to repel fatigue.


Testosterone is a male hormone of the androgen group that is secreted in humans by Leydig cells of the testis, but also to a lesser extent, produced in women by the ovaries.

Wanted effects:

  • Increase muscle mass
  • Increase training capacity and recovery
  • Stimulate willingness and aggressiveness
  • Push the threshold of fatigue
  • Accelerate healing of musculotendinous lesions

Side effects:

  • Decreased spermatogenesis
  • gynecomastia
  • Liver problems
  • edema
  • Acne
  • Raucousness of the voice
  • Clitoral hypertrophy

Here are three different forms of testosterone and their effects:

Testosterone propionate: with a very short duration of action (1 to 2 days) and gives important gains in strength and mass of quality because very little water retention.

Testosterone enanthate: has a fairly long life (2-3 weeks in the body) and provides an increase in weight and strength quickly accompanied by high water retention.

Sustanon: is a mixture of four testosterone esters. This diversity makes it possible to have a short and long action of the product. Sustanon provides a fairly qualitative mass gain if nutrition is adapted accordingly. Testosterone taken in high doses and over long periods, causes a stop in the body’s natural testosterone production, leading to libido disorders. In addition, being inactivated by the liver, this is highly toxic to the liver , get to know about .

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