Knee Pain – What it is and What causes knee pain?

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Wondering what’s wrong with your knee? Pain in the knee joint is quite unpleasant and, unfortunately, frequent. Well, nowadays it is difficult to find a person who has never experienced pain in the knees at a certain period of life.

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Ravenscroft Health Consultant Orthopaedic & Sports Surgeon, Mr. Ahsan Sheeraz, explains the different causes of knee pain.

What is Knee Pain?

The knee joint is a very complex joint in the human body. This “complicated” device, combined with constant pressure, makes the joint very weak. Hence, it is not unusual that in our entire life, at least once, each of us has experienced knee pain – aching, dull, muffled, sharp, or even intolerable.

Here is a quick video explaining some of the factors that can cause knee pain, including lax joints, sports injury, torn ligaments, arthritis, and damaged ligaments.

Sometimes bothersome sensations bother people only when walking or bending-unbending a leg, sometimes – constantly. The nature of pain in the knee joint, as well as the causes that caused it, can be very different.

What causes Knee Pain?

Knee pain can occur for various reasons, whether you are an athlete or not. Our knee joints experience wear and tear every day leading to some of these pains and aches. Ravenscroft Health specialists can assist strengthen the muscles surrounding your knee and teach you how to avoid knee pain for good!

Knee pain can be caused due to multiple reasons, depending on the age group of presentation.

Age-related joint damage, or arthrosis, is one of the most common manifestations of aging processes in the body. 95% of people over 60 years old are sick with deforming arthrosis, and osteoarthritis accounts for 70% of all joint lesions. At the same time, knee joints are affected in 75-80% of elderly people.

Age-related decrease in the ability of cartilaginous tissue cells to regenerate with the loss of elasticity and resistance to mechanical axial loads, especially menisci.

If knees hurt at a young age, then the reason for this is most often the consequences of injuries and inflammatory diseases of the knee joints, various types of flat feet, some orthopedic diseases typical for children and adolescents.

You’ve also got more of an adult population, which is the active sportsman group, the 20s, and 30s.

The knee is a complex joint that is subject to tremendous stress daily, especially for athletes. Nature has provided humans with a flexible knee joint that provides shock absorption when walking. However, due to the specifics of its structure and functions, it is more susceptible to damage than others, both during sports and through negligence in everyday life, and it is restored worse than other joints.

They can have tears in the shock absorber or rubber-like structure in the knee called the meniscus. Most of these footballers, for us who’ve watched TV, have heard of the cruciate ligament.

Well, the list is much bigger for which we take a detailed history, see the patient, and then we can reach a diagnosis.

At Ravenscroft Healthcare, we give a one-stop-shop model providing various services to support all aspects of your treatment and rehabilitation. Our team consists of extremely specialist physiotherapists, Orthopedic Physician scottsdale az and pain consultants, musculoskeletal physicians, sports doctors, and clinical psychologists. When needed, our specialists can work together to provide a complete multidisciplinary approach.

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