On the Move with Invisalign: A Traveler’s Guide

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About to start an exciting adventure? Do not let the fact that you are getting Invisalign stop you! 

With a little planning and these helpful tips, you can keep your goals for a beautiful smile even when you are traveling. Also, if you are in Fontana, check out Invisalign clear aligners In Fontana for a way to fix your teeth that will not draw attention to you. 

Pack your essential Invisalign travel kit. 

The key is to plan! Pack a travel kit for your aligners before you hit the road (or the sky!) to keep them safe, clean, and easy to get to. These are the important things:

  • Strong aligner case: This is where your aligners will stay safe. Pick a hard case that will not get squished when you pack it.
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss in small sizes for travel: Taking care of your teeth is very important, so bring a travel-sized version of the things you normally use to brush your teeth. Flossing gets rid of food stuck between your teeth and keeps your mouth clean.
  • Solution for cleaning your aligners: With these useful tablets or liquids, you can keep your aligners clean and free of germs.
  • Extra set of aligners (not required): If you need to change your aligners while you are traveling, put the new set in your carry-on bags.

Bonus tip: For extra ease, think about adding a small mirror and mouthwash. 

How to keep your aligners clean on the move. 

It is important to keep your braces clean while you are moving, just like when you are at home. How to do it:

  • Clean your hands well. Use soap and warm water to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before touching your braces. This stops the germs from moving.
  • Brush your aligners gently. Every time you take them out to eat or drink, use a travel-sized toothbrush and cool water to gently brush your aligners. As much as possible, stay away from hot water, soap, and strong chemicals. They can damage the braces.
  • Soak your aligners often. Follow the directions on the aligner cleaning solution to keep them clean and fresh during your trip.

Have a schedule for aligner wear and replacement. 

For Invisalign treatment to work, you need to be consistent. Here is how to keep your wear time while you are away:

  • Set reminders: You can use the alarm on your phone or an app that reminds you to wear and take out your braces.
  • Be adaptable: Traveling can throw off your schedule. Aim to wear them for at least 20 to 22 hours a day and make changes as needed.
  • Plan ahead: If you know you will not have time to relax in private during the day, wear your aligners for longer periods of time before.
  • You might want to bring an extra set of aligners. Talk to your doctor ahead of time if you are not sure about bringing an extra set of aligners. They might tell you to bring an extra set, especially if you are planning to change your aligners while you are on vacation. 

Do not panic if you lose or damage your aligners. 

Even when traveling, accidents can happen. Stay cool and do these things if you lose or break an aligner:

Get in touch with your doctor right away. 

You should tell your doctor what is going on. They might tell you to try the last set of aligners again to see if they still fit well, or they might tell you how to move on to the next set early.

Do not skip aligner changes. 

Skipping changes can make your treatment take longer. The best thing to do is talk to your doctor about it.

Remember that you should always talk to your doctor before taking Invisalign with you on vacation. No matter where you are in the world, they can give you personalized advice and make sure your treatment goes smoothly. 

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