PCOS Diet chart – Foods to eat and avoid 

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A woman’s body is an intricately designed system which is subjected to crucial changes with time. A female develops throughout her life for her body to handle timely responsibilities. According to studies, a woman’s brain structure and functioning are more complicated when compared to that of her counterpart. Well, this proves the multitasking ability of the ladies. 

Females encompass a body clock inside their bodies. This body clock ensures that necessary hormones, in the right amount, are released at the right time. This is what helps a girl, step into womanhood. Right from birth, female anatomy is nurtured and developed so that it supports the body for the creation of a new life inside of it, when the time comes. All the vital processes throughout the woman’s lifetime entirely depend upon the hormones released in their bodies. When an imbalance of these hormones occurs, a plethora of problems pops up. Extreme cases might also lead to infertility. 

The polycystic ovarian syndrome is an outcome of hormonal disorder in a female’s system. Abbreviated as PCOS, it is one of the most common diseases affecting the adolescent girls all over the world. The menstrual cycle is 28-35 days monthly cycle, where uterine sheds its line. This should be an ongoing, healthy process until a woman has her menopause. But most women experience irregular periods in the fertile phase of their lives. The root of all these issues is improper secretion of hormones called estrogen and progesterone. 

How is PCOS caused? 

Every month, ovaries (a part of the female reproductive system) make the egg and releases it as a part of a healthy menstrual cycle. In women with PCOS, cysts are formed within the ovaries. Due to these, the ovaries are not able to produce healthy eggs. Along with this, a male hormone called testosterone is secreted in excess, which causes unwanted changes in the body.

PCOS, though treatable is not completely remediable. If treatments are taken at the earliest, effects of PCOS can be suppressed. In addition to this, a healthy diet and lifestyle are very much necessary to control PCOS. Down below is a segregated list of food items that mighty positively or negatively impact the health of a person diagnosed with PCOS. 

Women with PCOS usually gain weight rapidly. It is also difficult for them to lose those extra calories. Therefore their diet must comprise of high fibre and low-fat food items. Proper guidance and opinion of Dr Shweta Goswami is required. 

  • Natural food like fresh fruits and vegetables. 
  • High fibre content food items like beans and grains. 
  • Healthy fats like food cooked out of olive oil and coconut oil. 
  • Vitamin c enriched berries. 
  • Dry fruits, especially almonds and walnuts. 
  • Green veggies and cereals. 
  • A dash of turmeric and cinnamon to your regular day food is even better. 

Food items that PCOS affected individuals must avoid:

  • Processed foods and junkies.
  • Food with high saturated fat content. 
  • Food with high amounts of sodium or sugar. 
  • Excessive consumption of red meat is dangerous. 
  • Drugs that facilitate sudden weight loss must not be consumed. 

Many practitioners believe that a balanced diet can influence menstrual cycles and regulate them back to normal. A healthy diet alone cannot help in suppressing PCOS. A super active lifestyle filled with exercises and activities is equally important. PCOS sure does come with many complications, but a pure mind and a healthy soul can put your life back on track. 


Looking for a proper PCOS diet chart? Visit the best IVF centre in Noida to get the same.

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