Possible Causes of Male Infertility

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Infertility in men is widely spread and much more common that one might think. If you are a male, your fertility will depend on the quantity and the quality of your sperm. Low-quality sperm or low sperm ejaculation can be a huge issue if you and your partner are looking to get pregnant. It can make it difficult for couples to conceive, which otherwise would be a simple and natural process. One in 20 men suffers from low sperm count, while one in 100 men has no sperm at all. 

Infertility in men is caused due to a number of different factors, and some of them are –

  • Obesity – Excess fat content in the body can affect the metabolism hormone in the body. It can cause alteration to sperm development and also the sperm DNA leading to infertility.
  • Smoking or Addictive Substances – The nicotine and cannabinoid substances in cigarettes and other addictive products can cause an imbalance in the body and influence sperm quality negatively. They can also slow down sperm development and motility.
  • Poor Nutrition – Poor nutrition in the body can lead to hormonal changes in the body and cause infertility. Thus, it is important to stay away from processed food and drinks. 
  • Genital Injuries – Any genital injuries should be treated immediately. It is important to take care of when indulging in extreme sports such as horse riding, martial art, and cycling.
  • Infections – A number of sexually transmitted infections and diseases such as gonorrhea, ureaplasma, and Chlamydia can also cause infertility. Genital inflammation can alter the sperm quality and also cause obstruction.

It is possible to alter infertility with medicines, but it is best to take precautions. One needs to eat healthy food and exercise regularly. There are also many good supplements such as Creation for Men in the market that help men take care of their reproductive health. 

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