Precautions to Prevent Your Next Hangover

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If you’ve had a long night out drinking before, I’m sure you know how bad the next morning hangovers are. With blistering headaches and feelings of nausea, hangovers sometimes make us regret the night before. Here are some methods to prevent hangovers before it can even begin:

Drink a Glass of Water

There’s a saying that you should drink a glass of water for each drink you have at a night out. Since most of the symptoms of a hangover are a result of dehydration, you should definitely load up on water when you’re planning to consume alcohol. Since alcohol itself is a diuretic, it’ll cause you to go to the bathroom frequently, and thus expelling a lot of water from your body. How long your hangover last will ultimately depend on how much water is in your system the night of drinking, so it’s important that you prioritize keeping your body hydrated before you go out (since you may forget when you’re inebriated). However, there is a possibility that you can drink too much water and outbalance your sodium levels, so consider opting for electrolyte-packed sports drinks, like Powerade.

Eat Heavy a Meal

While water is important in preventing a hangover, you should also plan to eat a heavy meal before drinking. Depending on the type of food you eat, your body will be able to metabolize a lot quicker, and you’ll experience fewer hangover symptoms. Skip the salad, and opt for some heavy carbs, proteins, and fats, which are known to help your body process all the toxic byproducts that are produced when you metabolize alcohol. Choose from either a fat burger or steak with potatoes—what’s more important is that you don’t forget to eat a meal before a night of drinking or your body will regret skipping it later.

Know Your Liquors


When choosing which drinks to get, we have personal preferences and we know which ones we’d rather avoid. But did you know that certain drinks are better for you than others? It’s best to know the effects of certain types of drinks so you can worry less about feeling terrible throughout the night. For starters, drinks that are full of bubbles will actually get you drunk more quickly. This is because the carbonation induces quicker absorption. So, if you want to last long throughout the night, it’s best to replace the champagne when doing many toasts. If you’re planning to get a few cocktails, getting mixed drinks with fruit juice, rather than soda or sugary drinks, or your best bet. At least with juice, your body is getting some vitamins and nutrients to replenish your body unlike the empty calories and sugar in soda. In terms of hard liquor, it’s you might want to opt for clear liquors, such as vodka and gin. Unlike their darker counterparts, they are known to have fewer impurities. What’s most important to consider, however, is the volume of alcohol. Avoid drinking large quantities in a short amount of time, and try to give your body a chance to catch up.

Consider Using Supplements

So, you didn’t take the precautions mentioned above and you find yourself coming home like a drunken mess knowing quite well that a hangover may be awaiting you the next morning. Luckily, if you’ve found yourself at this point, there’s still a way to mitigate the effects of a hangover the next day. Hangover prevention pills are supplements that can help replenish the body’s nutrients with a surge of supplements and essential vitamins. Because alcohol deprives your body of these nutrients, you feel negative symptoms, such as headaches and muscle soreness, during a hangover. By popping a few hangover prevention pills before you sleep, you can wake up feeling rejuvenated the next day.

The best ways to prevent hangovers are always through thoughtful and intentional planning. Think about these precautions the next time you go out, so you can enjoy your night drinking and also feel great the next day!

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