Signs a Loved One Needs North Dakota inpatient Drug Rehab for Heroin Addiction

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When using heroin, the brains pleasure center is affected and the ability to perceive pain is blocked. This causes extreme relaxation and intense euphoria. In the beginning, someone that uses heroin may be able to hide this habit from their family members and friends.  However, over time, an addict’s tolerance to heroin increases. This causes a user to increate both the amount of heroin consumed along with the rate they consume the heroin. At this point, friends and family may notice obvious symptoms that their loved one is using heroin. The signs that your loved one may have a heroin addiction can include:

  • Frequent runny nose but it is not due to an illness
  • Unexplained or sudden weight loss
  • Abscesses or infections at the injection site
  • Needle track marks on the body (especially the arms)
  • Skin picking that causes scabs and cuts

If you notice any of these symptoms, it may be time to talk to your loved one about entering a treatment program.

Talking to a Loved One About Drug Rehabilitation North Dakota

When you must talk to a loved one about their addiction to heroin, it can be one of the most difficult conversations of your life. You will want to prepare yourself and educate yourself so that you are ready for the conversation.

First, you will want to take the time to educate yourself about addictions to heroin and the treatment program before you ever talk to your loved one. A lot of people don’t understand that addiction is a chronic disease that typically has either co-occurring conditions or underlying causes.

Second, you will want to reach out to experts in heroin addiction. The use of heroin can impair the ability to process information that is difficult, and they struggle with how to appropriately handle confrontation; even if you approach the subject calmly. Before beginning the conversation, you may want to attend an addiction support group meeting or speak to a specialist at a treatment center. This way, you can receive insight that is valuable, and they can guide you with conversation topics so that you can avoid negative or adverse reactions.

Remain Calm when Talking to Your Loved One

You must remember that your loved one may not be ready emotionally to handle the reality of their addiction. If this is the case, your loved one may react with an angry outburst that is led by fear and you need to be prepared for this. Even though the signs of their addiction is obvious to you, your loved one may not be ready to talk to you about that.

Avoid Being Judgmental

Becoming an addict to heroin or other drugs is not a conscious choice made by your loved one. Once someone is addicted, they may not be able to physically stop using the drugs. It is important that you do not judge them or become critical of their choices when discussing Drug rehabilitation North Dakota.

Recovering from a heroin addiction is a lifelong process. If you need help getting your loved one help, call our specialists at United Recovery.


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