Smart and Best Smile Assured with the Best Dental Support

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You may have had complexes for a long time while smiling, damaged, cracked, stained teeth, gum smile? You may have had an illness or accident that damaged your teeth a lot, and that causes you problems with chewing or speaking? You dream of a permanent and spectacular solution, which would be a rebirth of your face and settle your worries.

Well it’s a dream at your fingertips. Advances in esthetics and dental rehabilitation are phenomenal, and the time for dentures is far away. Now you can rebuild your teeth, partially or globally, quickly and permanently, with a very natural result. Go for the UK Smilles there now and have the best results.

Reconstructing teeth: for whom, why?

Several causes may have led you to consider a dental reconstruction:

  • Teeth missing from birth, or too large gaps.
  • A malocclusion which causes daily practical problems.
  • Too much damaged dentition after a series of poorly treated cavities or a maxillofacial accident.
  • Periodontal disease and bone resorption which leads to loosening of your teeth.

Toothless smile

When you have lost several teeth as a result of an accident or illness, getting your teeth redone becomes a necessity.

It is quite possible nowadays to consider replacing all or part of his dentition, but before any decision it is necessary to make sure that the cause has been taken care of, if necessary. Treating cavities and gum inflammation, by visiting the dentist and learning a new daily dental hygiene, will be the essential and first step in your decision.

What are the solutions for getting your teeth redone?

It all depends on the cause and the extent of the reconstruction to be planned. Several cases can be considered.

Aesthetic surface reconstruction

If there are overlaps, stains, cracks or too large deviations, we can offer you a surface reconstruction. We then use composites or veneers, placed on your natural teeth, like an aesthetic “mask”.

The advantage is to keep its roots and its teeth, and not to be too invasive neither in materials nor in techniques.

Composite to rebuild your teeth

This solution may be preferred for smaller problems, such as “scars” due to cavities and their treatment, cracks or stubborn stains. In the same shade as your teeth, the composite (otherwise called “resin”) is directly “molded” and hardened on the tooth by the dentist, to “make up” the problems almost permanently.

After a few years, the material will normally be replaced, because it tends to change color over time and depending on the diet, and because it is less resistant to wear (physiological and pathological).

Cost: A composite rehabilitation requires one to two treatment sessions and costs around 200 to 600 euros per tooth (depending on the surgery and the size of the problem to be restored). The reimbursement is 70% of the convention rate which varies between around 16 and 150 euros (depending on the catering required).

Ceramic veneers to redo your teeth

New smile thanks to facets. The defects are hidden by the ceramic veneers simply glued to the tooth. The veneer is not shaped directly on the tooth by the dentist, but is built by the technician according to the problem to be solved, and the color of your teeth. It has the shape of a small shell that the dentist will stick on your tooth / teeth, to correct a dimension, a shade, a shape. You can really “facet” a whole row of teeth.

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