The beauty of hair and the unforeseeable threats to it

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Hair is one of the most prominent body features for women. Generally, women’s hair is greater in length and requires more attention. General care of hair may include up to ten different products, yet some problems can still affect your hair. One of the most common issues of this kind is hair lice infestation. Contrary to popular belief, lice infestation does not have any relation to how clean your hair is. Rather head lice can infest a perfectly clean head. Thus it poses a grave threat to every woman, especially to little girls.

How grave is the lice problem in children?

Head lice are one of the most common problems during the preschool and elementary school period in a children’s life. As per recent estimates, every year, around three million school-going children get head lice only in the United States. Though head lice are most common in children, anyone can get lice. That is to say, anyone from any age group and region can get head lice as they are found worldwide. Though head lice do not cause any serious disease, itching is of common occurrence. As head lice are crawling insects, they cannot jump, hop, or even fly. Head lice spread from close, prolonged head to head contact between an infested and non infested person.

How are the lice problem treated at home and in a professional center?

Head lice can be tackled at home in the earlier stages. For example, if the infestation is limited to adult lice and nits have not been produced, then regular combing out techniques can reduce head lice infestation. On the other hand, if nits are present, then a more professional approach should be taken in order to eradicate the infestation. One of the best options in this regard is to visit a lice treatment center. In these centers, generally, professional doctors prescribe different types of medication and chemical treating agents. The common lice treatment agents include benzyl alcohol suspension, permethrin, pyrethrin solutions, etc. By treating these agents, not only adult lice but also nits or eggs and nymphs can also be eradicated.

Get an appointment with a good lice treatment center

So if you or your child have a lice problem, then it is better to get it treated by professionals. As many schools in the United States have employed no lice and no-nit policy, it is vital that your children do not have a hair lice problem. After the pandemic, many lice treatment centers are now opening slowly with standard operating protocols in place, such as So if you require their help, make sure that you make an appointment beforehand as these clinics are now operating on a pre-booking basis.

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