Undergoing A Liquid Biopsy Procedure: 4 Tips For First-Timers

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There are many reasons patients will undergo a liquid biopsy procedure: First, there are signs of cancerous cells that the doctor needs to examine. Here, they run tests and other medical procedures to know the severity of the case. Second, the patient decides for their peace of mind and wants to get over things as soon as possible and start a treatment plan if the situation warrants. 

If you have an upcoming appointment with an oncologist or want to know more about cancerous diseases, here are some tips and what to expect during your first biopsy procedure: 


No one walks into a clinic and suddenly decides to get comprehensive genomic profiling to examine their cells because they want it for no reason. Putting all jokes aside, these things require assistance from a doctor because they will walk you through the process. On top of that, they need to assess your case before subjecting you to these medical procedures. Think of your safety because that is what most doctors want for their patients. 


Whether you have an upcoming appointment for a procedure or trying to find an answer to a medical question, be with your family, friends, and anyone close to you because they are the people who will be by your side during this chapter in your life. You can ask them to help you decide or let these people become a part of this journey because you value them so much. (Tip: These people can and will offer their emotional support, and you will be thankful for having them in your life.) 


Preparing for things is always the key when it comes to cancer and other illnesses. If you happen to receive bad news after the Guardant 360 procedure or any other medical examination, feel free to cry or cope with the sadness, but remember, the doctor is there to help you recover if there are chances, and they will do everything they can. 


Results take time and effort to accomplish, especially if the clinic deals with many cases at once. In this case, be patient and try to understand if there are delays and other lapses due to unforeseen circumstances. 

Are you looking for an FDA approved liquid biopsy procedure? Guardant Health AMEA offers that, and you can also check their website for more information.  

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