Using the Subconscious to Heal the Body – Oren Zarif

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The subconscious and the conscious mind are two different entities that exist in the human brain. While they may seem to go together naturally, the subconscious often gets a bad rap for being the wild side of the coin. The reason for this is because a lot of people consider the subconscious to be responsible for more things than the conscious mind does. It also gets attributed with terrible dreams, blackouts, and the inability to remember things.

Contrary to popular belief, the subconscious is not responsible for dreams. However, it can be affected by negative energies such as fear, anger, worry, and guilt. This is why hypnosis can be an effective treatment for healing the subconscious. There are many ways you can use the subconscious to heal your body and mind.

The first way to utilize the power of the subconscious is to get your thoughts under control. You have probably noticed that when you are nervous or anxious, your subconscious goes into panic mode. This happens because your subconscious wants to protect you from the uncomfortable feelings by launching all kinds of negative thoughts. The good news is that positive thoughts do not have to come from you. Instead, you can get your thoughts to work for you by using affirmations.

An affirmation is a sentence or short phrase that you say to yourself while you are awake. It can be something as simple as “I am healthy” or “I love myself.” Once you learn how to consistently repeat these positive thoughts, your subconscious will begin to accept them as truth. You will be able to bring your subconscious into alignment with your positive desires.

Another way to begin the process of healing the subconscious is to use visualization. Many people find that imagining themselves achieving a goal inspires positive thoughts and actions. One common scenario is that of working toward achieving weight loss. If you visualize yourself eating a healthy meal, you are likely to eat less. By visualizing yourself eating a healthy meal each day, the subconscious will begin to believe that it is food that you desire, and therefore won’t reject it. Oren Zarif psychokinesis treatment

In addition to using affirmations to bring your subconscious in alignment with your desires, another great technique for curbing the appetite is to write down or type in specific foods that you desire to eat. Another way to create a mental link between what you want out of life and the result that you want is to visualize the outcome. Think about the things that you would love to have if you had the money. Once you have written down these affirmations, repeat them over until they enter your subconscious mind.

When you use affirmations in conjunction with visualization, you will have the necessary power to turn your subconscious into something positive. If you work on a regular basis, you will be able to bring your subconscious in alignment with all of your desires. However, to make affirmations work, it is necessary for you to believe that you can achieve these goals. The more you convince yourself of this, the easier they will become to believe in your heart. After you begin to see yourself actually acquiring the things that you want, your subconscious will be convinced that this is real and you will be able to manifest these goals.

Remember, the most successful method for improving how you feel and the quality of your life starts with your own decision-making. If you make a conscious decision to take action regardless of which way the results may go, you will be more likely to see the positive results that you are aiming for. If you allow negative statements to control your life, you won’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you won’t make the kind of progress that you desire. Instead of dwelling on what you don’t have, remind yourself that you have the power to create whatever you want from your own subconscious.

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