Veneers vs. Crowns: What Are the Pros and Cons of Each?

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What are veneers and Crowns? Whether dental crowns and veneers are the same is a question that is asked very frequently and there is great confusion on the subject.

When it comes to improving our dental aesthetics, we think about the different options that our dentist offers us. However, in most cases we do not know what are the most appropriate treatments, not only to improve our smile, but to improve our oral health.

In a few words we can say that they are not the same since the veneers are only an aesthetic solution for when you want to have a white smile or to correct a small appearance defect that cannot be achieved through other procedures. Instead, crowns are used to restore damaged or weakened teeth. A veneer requires a healthy tooth as a support.

At we personalize the treatments for veneer teeth and make known all the possible options so that our patients can be absolutely satisfied with the result and these are completely beneficial for their health.

Now that we know the basic difference between veneers and crowns logically questions arise about the particular details of each of them.

Currently everyone can have a smile as a television or magazine model thanks to the dental advances that they have porcelain veneersv. It is no longer enough just to have a healthy and functional denture, but there are specific options to correct almost any oral defect.

The use of dental veneers is very popular today since thanks to them it is possible to show an enviable colored denture and also allows you to select other aspects such as size and shape of the teeth and with this the question is how much are veneers? So, don’t worry about it Veneers cost much reasonable and affordable. They are an excellent solution for example for stained, nicked, widely separated or too short teeth.

Veneer vs. Dental Crown

Veneers are very thin lamellae that are placed on the front of the teeth and do not harm them at all. There are veneers of various materials such as porcelain and composite (resin) and within the two categories there are brands and qualities.

On the other hand, dental crowns, which are also known as covers and some other names, can be provisional or definitive, they are placed in such a way that they cover the entire tooth in question and are intended to be restored, either by aesthetic or functional reasons.

There are different types of dental crowns according to the materials.

  • Provisional crowns are usually made in the office and worn while the final crown is made by the dental mechanic.
  • A provisional crown is placed not only for aesthetic purposes but also helps protect the piece and the healing done.

A crown is used for example after a root canal in which case it serves to reinforce the tooth structure and maintain its functionality.

Definitive crowns can be of many different kinds, including metal, acrylic, combined, porcelain, etc. The crown type is selected according to functionality, aesthetics and durability, and is generally chosen between the patient and the specialist.

Crowns are very useful when the replacement of one or more teeth is required. In these cases, bridges are designed to be fixed to the patient’s mouth using one or more crowns. For the design of these bridges, the work that each dental piece will perform must be taken into account, so that they can withstand the force that biting and / or chewing implies, depending on the piece in question.

In relation to dental care, it is important to keep in mind that veneers are aesthetic solutions that are not always covered by the insurer, depending on the plan in place. Regarding crowns there may also be some restrictions that are worth clarifying.

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