What Alcoholic Drinks Are Good with Miracle Fruit Tablets? 

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It’s no secret that most people enjoy having a drink or two at a party. In moderation, alcohol can be somewhat beneficial. It can act as a stress-reliever after a hard day at work and help people relax and become more communicative. No wonder it’s known as a “social lubricant”, as most social interactions become easier, even for the most anxious people.

But, even though the majority of the population would say they enjoy drinking alcohol, not everyone enjoys its taste.

As you may know, most alcoholic drinks tend to be bitter and strong. This is where miracle fruit tablets can help. Take a look:

How Does the Miracle Fruit Tablet Work?

Miracle fruit, or Synsepalum  Dulcificum, is a berry found in West Africa that’s known for its taste-altering properties. It contains miraculin, a glycoprotein molecule that blocks the taste receptors at neutral pH levels, but binds the proteins at low pH levels, causing sour foods to taste sweet, and altering the taste of bitter and spicy foods.

This process is completely natural, and the berries have traditionally been used in West Africa to sweeten palm wine, so their original purpose is, in fact, altering the taste of alcohol.

Now the problem is that the miracle berry loses this capability very quickly after it’s picked, so finding fresh berries that are effective is difficult and expensive.

Miracle fruit tablets, on the other hand, are more convenient, not to mention much more affordable. To create the tablets, fresh berries are freeze-dried as soon as they’re picked, then they’re dehydrated, so they’re safe to consume. The taste-altering effect can last up to 90 minutes, so you can play around with them and temporarily change your taste perception.

Flavor Tripping with Miracle Fruit

With miracle fruit tablets alcohol tastes different. Every sour, bitter, or spicy food tastes different. So, unsurprisingly, it’s become quite a trend to eat miracle fruit tablets and experience all the same foods you know and love from a totally different perspective.

The trend is known as taste tripping, and it’s not just a YouTube challenge trend. A few restaurants around the globe have started experimenting with miracle berries and are now offering them to their patrons in the middle of their meals.

If you’d like to get in on the flavor tripping trend, there’s no better way to do it than with alcohol. However, just remember to do everything in moderation!

Sweet Guinness

Guinness is one of the more typical beers that you could find at a bar. Affordable, readily available almost everywhere, but, to some, not really considered one of the tastiest beers.

If you’d like to enjoy this beer to the fullest, get yourself a miracle fruit tablet first. Once the tablet dissolves, you’ll notice that your Guinness is unbelievably sweet and smooth! Some would even compare it to the taste of chocolate milk.

Miller Lite

If you’ve ever been to a college party, you’ve probably had the opportunity to drink Miller Lite. It has a unique bitter taste that’s difficult to forget.

Miracle fruit tablets can make your party more pleasant for the taste buds. Just remember, the effect wears off after about 90 minutes, but it can definitely make for a unique experience

Gin and Tonic

Gin and tonic is a classic drink that tends to be quite bitter. With miracle fruit tablets, alcohol will have a different note, but for the best results, you might want to switch out the tonic part for something else.

Mix up soda, water, and lime with your gin. Miracle fruit works best with citrus fruits, as it essentially transforms them into candy, so lime or lemon is the best option. Your gin and tonic will taste sweet and will go down smooth.

Malibu Rum

If you have a sweet tooth that’s difficult to satisfy, you can opt for a miracle fruit and Malibu rum. Malibu rum is already known as a very sweet drink, so this combination might be a bit too much for some people.

The taste will be overwhelmingly sweet, but some may enjoy this!


Tequila is a very strong alcoholic drink, and not many people can drink it plain. It’s usually enjoyed with a nice cocktail that has way too much sugar.

You can still enjoy tequila without any additional sweeteners if you take a miracle fruit tablet beforehand. The drink will lose its bite, but it will still be as potent as ever.

Fireball Whiskey

This cheap whiskey is anything but sweet. It takes years of practice to learn how to drink it without grimacing. With the miracle berry, however, you’ll only taste sweet cinnamon.


Not many people truly enjoy the taste of plain vodka. The miracle berry doesn’t take away the taste of vodka, but it will make it drinkable and pleasant.

If you want to make your party more enjoyable without spending money on expensive alcohol, you can easily enhance the experience with the miracle fruit tablets. Try taste tripping with Miracle Fruit tablets today!

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