What are the symptoms of Manic Depression?

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What is Bipolar Disorder?

It is actually a mood disorder that is identified by regular mood swings, and thoughts. These mood disorders are characterized by alternating periods in which you feel irritable, expansive, or elevated. They are called manic episodes. Manic episodes include feelings of fatigue, worthlessness, lack of concentration, and many more. These disorders vary in their severity. 

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

Bipolar disorder can be manifest in many ways. It’s now common in most people. It can be caused by many other conditions. This makes it difficult to diagnose. 

Different Types of Bipolar Disorder

Following are the types of bipolar disorder. The most common forms of bipolar disorder are Bipolar 1 & 2

Bipolar I

This type of disorder includes a must-have experience with manic episodes To be considered manic episodes, an event must:

Changes in moods or behavior that are not typical of the person’s normal behavior could be included. Be present almost every day of the episode, and most of the day. 

Last at least one week trusted source or be so severe that they required immediate hospital care. Bipolar I sufferers often from depressive episodes, but it is not necessary to be diagnosed with bipolar I. A person with bipolar I should not have any other conditions that can further better explain the symptoms.

Bipolar II

This involves high and low moods swings. The depressive symptoms tend to dominate and manic symptoms. Hypomania, a less severe form of mania, is also known. 

A person must be:

  • If you have experienced one episode of the major depression
  • Faced at one episode of hypomania in recent times
  • You do not have any other prevailing condition that can cause the symptoms of cyclothymic 

Cyclothymic disorder is characterized by mood swings and mood changes similar to bipolar I or II, although the shifts are less dramatic. Cyclothymic disorder is a condition in which a person has experienced hypomania and episodes of depressive symptoms for at least 2 years. For children and teens, it’s 1 year. 

How to know if I’m Bipolar Patient?

The process of identifying bipolar is important because there are a variety of psychological reasons that have to be eliminated. Because bipolar disorder is more frequently observed in teens and possibly in people who are in their 40s. A person may be prone to dismiss the symptoms as normal teenage behaviors. 

If the behavior continues to repeat over and over again then a visit to an experienced medical professional is recommended. 

A routine physical with blood tests can determine the cause of other physical factors and a thorough mental wellness examination can be carried out. 

How is Bipolar Disorder Treated?

Treatment can help many people even those who suffer from the most severe types of bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorders can be treated by doctors using medications, or any other combination of treatment either in the form of psychiatric therapy. 

Medications: Certain mood stabilizers, as well as typical antipsychotics, can ease some of the signs and symptoms associated with bipolar disorder. Many are available to test during the course of treatment before the appropriate ones are determined for your particular chemical makeup. 

Lithium, a mood stabilizer, can prevent mood swings or decrease their severity when they do occur. It also lowers the risk of suicide. Other medications that treat anxiety or sleep are often included in mood stabilizers in the overall treatment program. 

Due to the chemical composition of these medicines, they are extremely hazardous to stop abruptly taking without a doctor’s supervision. There are serious side effects that can occur. If you suspect that you’re ready to take away from your medications, It’s crucial to follow the guidance of your physician to reduce the dosage safely and properly. 

Psychotherapy with a Doctor

Psychotherapy (sometimes known as “talk therapy”) is a word used to describe a variety of treatment methods designed to assist individuals to identify and modify troublesome thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Psychotherapy can provide assistance and education, as well as skills and strategies for those suffering from bipolar disorder as well as their family members.

Therapy with your family members can be beneficial since the signs of bipolar disorder are able to impact the overall dynamic of a family’s daily activities. 

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