What to Do After Tooth Extraction?

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Even though tooth extraction is a quite common procedure among adults, the truth is that many people feel scared when they need to face it. If you’re one of them, too, please bear in mind that there is nothing to fear about. It’s a very quick procedure – and often a painless one, but there are several steps you should take after it. Here are the five most important things you should do after tooth extraction, so check them out and learn something new today!

Get as much rest as possible

Getting enough rest is essential after tooth extraction. No matter how amazing you feel at the moment, you must know that you should avoid physical activity for at least 24 hours. Besides that, you should also limit your activity for the next day or two. This rest period is essential for you to heal properly and completely recover from this procedure. Just remember to keep your head slightly elevated while you’re resting. This position will facilitate the formation of the blood clot in the place of extraction, which is crucial for the process of recovery. Bear in mind that the soft tissue will fully heal in about 3 to 4 weeks and you’ll be more than fine!

Let the clot form properly

As mentioned above, it is very important to let the clot form on the tooth extraction site. It’s because the clot will cover this spot and allow it to heal properly. After the procedure, your dentist will provide a piece of gauze to bite on near the extraction site. It’ll put enough pressure over the wound to help it stop bleeding. However, it doesn’t mean that you should chew on the piece of gauze or play with it in any way. If you can’t keep it in one place, be sure to at least change the gauze every half hour – depending on how much you bleed. If you somehow dislodge the clot, the nerve endings will become exposed, which will cause a delay in healing. Avoid that at all costs and you’ll heal much faster!

Don’t smoke for at least 48 hours after the extraction

When it comes to things you mustn’t do after tooth extraction, smoking is the first one on our list. Oral health professionals strongly advise against smoking, and the reasons for that are more than good. First of all, this bad habit can delay the healing process by affecting the clot. When the clot is disturbed, the chances of developing a dry socket 3 to 4 days after tooth extractions are very high. This may encourage further bleeding and infection in the extraction site, which is the last thing you want, right? Also, smoking after tooth extraction can result in increased discomfort in your mouth. To prevent that, make sure to stay away from cigarettes at least two weeks after the extraction. This is the only way to avoid potential problems and allow your wound to heal properly!

Apply ice packs and take painkillers as prescribed

Improving your smile certainly isn’t an easy process, and it’s particularly true if you first have to extract a tooth (or a few of them). However, there are ways to make the process of recovery much easier and more bearable. Of course, you can always rely on painkillers and take them as your dentist from a local dental laboratory prescribed. Just make sure to start taking them before the numbness wears off. It’s the best way for you to avoid too much pain associated with tooth extraction. If an antibiotic was prescribed, don’t stop taking it until it’s all gone. Also, don’t forget to take an over-the-counter probiotic as well. When it comes to swelling, ice packs will do the trick. Use them the first day after your surgery to feel more comfortable and reduce swelling!

Think about a tooth replacement option

Even though many people don’t think so, tooth extraction is sometimes absolutely necessary. It happens for several reasons, such as tooth infection or decay, damage from trauma, or gum disease. But you know what? You can always replace a missing tooth – especially if it is in the front and everyone can see the gap. This is exactly why you should think about a tooth replacement option. Dental implants are the most popular solutions that fill gaps where teeth are missing. You won’t make a mistake with these simply because technological advancements significantly improved laboratory-made dental implants. These are designed to look more natural, so you’ll do a great job if you choose to replace your missing tooth or teeth with them!

As you can tell, there are many important steps you should take after tooth extraction. Of course, these five are the most important ones out there, so be sure to stick to them if you want to speed up the process of recovery. Just follow our guidelines and you’ll see amazing progress, without a doubt!

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