What to Expect in a Root Canal Treatment? 

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Root canal treatment is an efficient cleaning that is used to clean the bacteria and dead tissues from the teeth. If you are facing severe dental issues, pain, and sensitivity, then doctors will check your dental situation, and if required, they will suggest root canal treatment. However, if you are one among those who have been recommended for such treatment but could not comprehend what to expect in such treatment, then you are at the right place. 

In this article, we will discuss what to expect in a root canal treatment and how to proceed ahead with the treatment procedures in Irving. If you want to have detailed knowledge about root canal procedures, then you can consult any Irving orthodontist who can guide you about the treatment effectively. Meanwhile, in this article, let’s understand what to expect in a root canal treatment. 

What is a Root Canal Treatment? 

A root canal treatment is a procedure that is important to clean a deep infection out of a tooth. There are cases when the bacteria and dead tissues reside in your teeth, and they cause pain to a person. Therefore, to remove these bacteria and dead tissues from inside the tooth, it is filled and sealed in the root canal procedures. 

This procedure is mainly to preserve the tooth from the extractions. If the toothache increases due to increased bacteria, then as a last resort doctor recommends tooth extractions. However, if we proceed with the root canal treatment then it helps in preventing the tooth from the extractions.

What to Expect in a Root Canal Treatment? 

This treatment is included to ensure that there is no scope for pain in your teeth. However, before proceeding with the treatment, you must be aware of what to expect in such treatments. So, let’s begin our discussion about the procedures. 


The first step would be the preparation step in which doctors will recommend you to strengthen the immune system. You are suggested to get proper sleep, eat healthy food, take your vitamins, and also prescribe medicines. As this is a long process, you should be prepared to keep yourself relaxed and keep your mind off through some good music and audiobooks. You should be ready with painkillers, ice packs, or other such alternatives to protect your teeth.


In the next step, there will be involvement of different types of procedures such as numbing, damming, and others. So, let’s understand about these procedures. 

  • The first step would be numbing in which the dentist will use the needle to numb the area around the infected tooth. You need to communicate with your dentist about the numbing effect or if you are still having a feeling in the area around the tooth. 
  • Damming the tooth is the second step in which the doctors will put a dam piece of rubber that fits around the infected tooth. It is important because this tool helps in keeping your tooth clean and dry. 
  • In the next procedure, the dentists will drill a hole into the surface of the tooth to expose the infected area. The intensity of drilling will be dependent on the surface of the infection, and it will be based on the x-ray reports. 
  • Once the drilling is done, dentists will move ahead with the cleaning procedure. They will use small tools and suctions that can be helpful in removing the infected tissues from the tooth. It is considered an important procedure in the root canal. 
  • After the cleaning procedure, there is shaping of the interior in which dentists shape the inside of the tooth once the infection is gone. There will be use of small files and drilling procedures that will help in shaping the insides of the tooth. 
  • In the next step, there will be filling and sealing of the tooth by using a rubber material inside your cleaned tooth. This will prevent the further attack of bacteria on the tooth. 
  • The last step of the root canal procedure will be to have final restoration through a permanent crown or seal over the tooth. 

So, with these procedures, there is completion of root canal procedures. The doctors would suggest some aftercare tips for your dental structure, and you have to follow them for effective results. 

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