What You Need to Know Before Beginning a Weight Loss Prescription

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As many Americans keep having trouble with weight loss, new techniques to make the process easier are developing. Those who do not want to undertake invasive and time-consuming procedures such as liposuction might think about getting a prescription for weight-loss medications instead.

Though formerly only accessible to diabetic patients, therapies for obesity are now available, both on and off-label. Yet, you cannot begin using any medicine unless you first understand how it works and how to utilize it. Before you call your doctor or an online medical center like Ivím Health, read the rest of this piece to be sure therapy is right for you.

Medication Is Available in an Array of Forms

There are presently three kinds of weight loss medications available on the market. They are all GLP-1 medications that decrease appetite.

  • The most common type is semaglutide, available to people with diabetes (Ozempic and Rybelsus) and non-diabetics (Wegovy). These are normally given once a week.
  • Another common kind of medication is liraglutide, which is sold under the trade names Victoza and Saxenda. These are given to diabetics and are taken more frequently than a semaglutide, administered once daily.
  • Tirzepatide, the latest addition, was approved in 2022. Mounjaro is only technically FDA-approved for those with diabetes but can be given to others off-label. Tirzepatide, in addition to decreasing hunger, assists in the breakdown of fats and carbs.


Aside from knowing that there are several types of weight loss medications, the manner they are provided differs. Unlike liraglutide and tirzepatide, which are both injectables, semaglutide can be administered as a shot or as a pill. However, the choice you pick will influence how fast you get results.

This is due to bio-availability, which is related to the potency of medicine. Injectables are injected directly into the bloodstream, allowing them to start functioning almost immediately, whereas pills must be digested after intake. This indicates that a Rybelsus weight loss plan is going to be slower compared to the Ozempic treatment. As a result, Ivím Health only gives its patients injectable medicines.

Results Take Time to Appear

Despite the fact that we all hope we were able to shed weight with the snap of a finger, that is not how things work in life. You must be patient since it takes a while for your body to acclimate to any medicine’s effects. It will take a month or two to use weight loss medicine in conjunction with greater dosages.

As Ivím Health has witnessed with its clients, after a year of use, benefits can be exceedingly remarkable. Patients using semaglutide, for example, lose 15% of their body fat, while tirzepatide loses 22% of their body fat.

You Can Find Help Online

Obtaining a prescription is a challenge for many people who want to utilize weight loss medicine. They may assume there is no hope for them if they do not have a primary care doctor or health coverage. However, internet healthcare providers may now deliver prescriptions even if you do not have insurance.

It’s easy to understand why Ivím Health is America’s most popular online weight reduction clinic. They tailor your treatment in every way imaginable, including the doctor you see. Following completion of an onboarding assessment, you will be linked with an expert who will assist you in locating the appropriate medication as well as tailored diet and fitness regimens. All of this data is available in a single app, where you can also track your progress and stay motivated.

Ivím Health also offers accessibility programs that allow you to obtain your prescriptions at up to a 20% discount, ensuring that your drug does not cost you all of your savings. You might save an extra 40-50% in the first three months! Furthermore, your medications will be sent to the pharmacy within two days after payment, allowing you to begin using them straight immediately.

There are different weight-loss tactics, but generally, a mix of procedures is necessary to obtain the desired results. When exercise and a nutritious diet aren’t enough, investigate whether Ivím Health’s program is offered in your state. Learn what distinguishes them from their rivals and get started on a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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