When Should Someone Go To The Dentist?

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A dentist provides a professional service that isn’t available to everyone, but everyone does need one at some time or another. That having been said, having a family dentist is important, but some people don’t want to go in outside of regular checkups. So, what should people look for as an indication that they should go to the dentist?

Whether a person is located in Thornhill, or not, there are some definite warning signs, even between check-ups, that one should look for:

If you’re experiencing pain in your mouth. Now, the occasional ache can be normal, especially if one has sensitive teeth, but experiencing the same pain over and over again could indicate the presence of a cavity. This is especially true if certain movements or biting down on food causes pain.

Gum inflammation is another indicator that a dentist’s visit is likely necessary. This is when gums get puffy or swollen. This tends to cause a person pain and it’s also an indicator that plaque has built up beneath the gums. This can cause a number of issues, some of which can lead to tooth loss.

The appearance of white spots on your teeth. Yes, a person’s teeth are supposed to be white, but not completely. Bright, white spots visible on the teeth indicate that a person might be experiencing tooth decay,and tooth decay means that a person is headed for tooth loss unless they go and see a dentist!

Tooth sensitivity is another issue that can mean a cavity. By this, sensitivity is meant that when a tooth is exposed to something hot or cold, it reacts by sending pain signals to the brain. If this happens, one should go and see a dentist to make sure they don’t have a cavity. There could be good news with this symptom though: sometimes people discover that they simply have sensitive teeth and need a special toothpaste.

Changes of color in the mouth, spots, or sores. These are all red flags to go and see a dentist as soon as possible. There are many things that can cause them, including infections, diseases, viruses, or fungi, not of which are good.

Bad breath and/or a metallic taste in one’s mouth may indicate that a person has gingivitis and, if it’s persistent, will require a visit to the doctor.

Jaw pain or feeling one’s jaw pop should result in a visit to the dentist. It can warn of issues with one’s jaw that might require treatment.

As surprising as it may seem, headaches can also be an indication of a need for a doctor’s visit. Frequent headaches and sore teeth usually mean that a person has been grinding their teeth at night. A dentist can confirm this and provide a person with a night guard to wear.

Bad breath and/or a metallic taste in one’s mouth may indicate that a person has gingivitis and, if it’s persistent, will require a visit to the doctor.

If anyone experiences one or more of these symptoms, they should make an appointment with a doctor. Yes, it may be nothing, but it’s always better to make sure rather than risk losing teeth! Visit https://www.firstimpressionsdentists.com/ and book an appointment now

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