Why Do One Exactly Need Bariatric Surgery?

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Modern day lifestyle has brought many changes in the normal physiology of the human body. People tend to be more obese, all thanks to the unlimited supply of junk food. Moreover, because the millennial generation is always running short on time, the consumption of processed food has increased many folds. Besides there are several other reasons such as disturbed sleep pattern, excessive workload and stress that leads to overweight. 

However, medicine has evolved with different kind of surgeries to deal with this concern. One such very popular surgical procedure is Bariatric Surgery that involves making changes in the digestive system of the human body to reduce weight. 

What is Bariatric Surgery?

All kinds of weight loss surgeries are collectively known as Bariatric Surgery. All of these surgeries are detailed procedures that not only cost more but also contain some serious side effects. 

However, the right physician and the right hospital where one is being treated plays a major role in the success of the weight loss procedure. 

One such hospital that ensures sure-shot results of Bariatric Surgeries is the Medicity Hospital Gurgaon. And one such physician, whose name is enough to guarantee positive results is Dr. Adarsh Chaudhary.

Bariatric surgery revolves around the fact that making anatomical changes in the digestive tract reduces the amount of food intake by the patient and also adjusts the absorption capacity of the tract, thus, overall reducing the kilos. However, it is important for the patient to follow strict diet plans and adopt workout regime in their routine schedules. 

Why do one exactly need Bariatric Surgery? 

Not everyone who is overweight needs Bariatric Surgery. Only those in whom strict exercises and diet plans do not work well should consider losing weight surgeries as an option. These surgeries not only help reduce weight but also aid in preventing serious other health issues as:

Type II diabetes

Heart stroke and heart failure

Gastroesophageal reflux diseases

Other conditions associated with increased weight. 

What qualifies you for Bariatric Surgery?

There is something called Body Mass Index that ascertains the right proportion of weight needed at the height of the patient. The BMI decides the need for having bariatric surgery

So, if your body mass index is more than 40, then definitely you fall into the category of obese people and the weight loss surgery might be an option for you.

However, always keep in mind that being obese is not the only deciding factor. For undergoing Bariatric surgery, full body medical check-up is a must.  Extensive screening procedures are undertaken before one qualifies for these surgical procedures. It is always mandatory for good treatment and prognosis.

Types of Bariatric Surgery:

All bariatric surgery comes under broad classification of gastric bypass surgeries. However, there are a few different kinds of bariatric surgeries which are:

Sleeve Gastrectomy:

Sleeve Gastrectomy is a part of surgical process for biliopancreatic division. This involves the reshaping of the first part, precisely the stomach. The stomach is restructured in the form of tube to minimize the surface area, thereby decreasing the amount of absorption of calories and other nutrients. This in turn naturally decreases the weight of an individual.

Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch:

This is another version of surgical process for biliopancreatic division, which involves both cutting of 80% of stomach mass as well as reshaping it. Therefore, this procedure plays a dual function: decreasing the appetite of an individual as well as reduces the absorption of nutrients from the intestinal wall. The biggest fallback of this type of gastric bypass surgery is that it increases the risk of nutritional deficiencies in the patient. Therefore, this is an option only when body Mass Index of the patient is quite high.

Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB):

This type of gastric bypass surgery involves compartmentalizing the stomach into two parts by an inflatable band around the upper part of the stomach, as a result of which, the stomach is divided into a small upper pouch and the rest of the stomach that is connected to the small intestine. The advantage of this procedure is that it restricts the food entry through the band into the lower part of the stomach. Moreover, depending on the need the inflatable band can be adjusted to reduce or increase the amount of entry of food. 

These are three main types of Bariatric Surgeries. However, BMI and other physiological conditions decide what kind of surgery is suitable for a particular individual.

Bariatric Surgery vs Cosmetic Surgery:

Although the main motive of both surgeries is the same, i.e to reduce the weight but the procedures and concept behind both these surgeries are different. 

Where bariatricsurgeryis involved by recontouring and cutting of the parts of normal anatomical gastrointestinal tract in order to reduce the appetite aand absorption capacity, the cosmetic surgery’s main focus lies in dissecting the extra fat or mass in the body to make an individual look good.

Cosmetic surgeries like liposuction, tummy tuck or abdominoplasty, body lift aims at making you look better without compromising on the anatomy of your digestive tract. 

People undergo cosmetic surgeries to look slimmer and pretty. Unlike bariatric surgeries which require strict follow up and diet plans, cosmetic surgeries do not call for such serious routines.  

Depending on the patients’ needs and medical conditions, a physician decides whether to go for bariatric surgery or cosmetic surgery for better results, balancing the body’s physiology and good looks.

Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon and Dr.AdarshChaudhary:

As mentioned previously, that Medanta Hospital caters to the need of obese patients with the latest medical advancemets in Bariatric surgeries. 

The surgical gastroenterology team at Medanta HospitalGugaonby Dr.AdarshChaudhary,has performed a number of successful weight loss surgeries. 

This man’s name says it all. He is a prominent figure in initiating the first gastroenterology team in India. Graduated from the HP Medical College, Shimla; Dr.Adarshhas been awarded the prestigious SamajRatna Award and VigyanManch Award for his unending contribution to the field of gastroenterology surgery.

Dr. Adarsh Chaudhary did his post-graduation from the renowned Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh and currently is the chairman at Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon.

He has also bagged the FRCs degree from Edinburgh University in 2004 and is actively involved in helping patients suffering from gastrointestinal problems including increased weight.

Thus, there are medical procedures such as bariatric surgery and cosmetic surgery that might come to your aid to give you the appearance you always craved for and also prevent other serious health conditions associated with obesity. 

But the success of the surgeries and the end result always depend on the lifestyle procedure you finally adapt. 

Therefore, it’s always said: Eat heathy, stay healthy.


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