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Marijuana has been a part of human culture for centuries, yet it is still stigmatized in many places. Why does this plant have such a negative stigma? For starters, there are many myths about Marijuana that continue to circulate today. These include the idea that Marijuana makes people lazy and unmotivated. Another myth is that cannabis can lead to mental illness or psychosis. In reality, Marijuana helps people with PTSD by reducing their symptoms; it also relieves chronic pain and helps slow tumor growth. This article will explore Why Marijuana has such Such a Negative Stigma.

1. Misinformation

Governments and other authoritative bodies have been misinforming the public about Marijuana. The truth is that cannabis does not make people crazy or violent at all. It helps with mental health issues. Cannabis has never been cited as a cause of murder in any peer-reviewed study, but this myth continues to be perpetuated in the media.

2. Racism

Racism has played a big part in misinformation about Marijuana. The truth is that race impacts people’s interactions with law enforcement, no matter what the drug is. Here’s an interesting study from Human Rights Watch showing how black women are far more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than their white counterparts, even though they use cannabis at roughly the same rate. Weed became illegal because of racism; let us remember these facts when dealing with racist people today.

3. Politics

Marijuana is still illegal in many parts of the world due to political reasons, not health or safety. Some politicians are so far removed from their voters that they have no idea what cannabis does for people which isn’t surprising when you consider that most of them probably don’t know anyone who uses Marijuana. This lack of proper education has allowed politicians to perpetuate the negative stigmas attached to this plant. If they can convince voters that cannabis is a dangerous drug, then they can continue their anti-cannabis agenda, even though it may be unpopular with the general public.
Remember, the only reason why Marijuana remains illegal anywhere is that certain want it to be illegal (usually politicians, corporations, and law enforcement).

4. Ignorance

The more you learn about cannabis, the less likely you are to have an anti-marijuana stigma. It is only natural that the more you learn about something, the more accepting you become. Look at how much support for gay marriage has increased in recent years. When people are ignorant of a topic, they automatically assume everything they’ve heard or read is true. This can lead them to believe all sorts of misinformation about Marijuana. If this continues even after education on the subject is provided, their views are based on ignorance rather than facts, and it’s time for them to catch up.

5. Fear of Difference

Many people don’t want to accept Marijuana because they believe it makes you “weird” or an outcast. Some even think that “drug addicts” and criminals use weed, so if you blaze up in your spare time, then people will automatically assume you’re a lowlife! This is not the case. Millions of people worldwide smoke Marijuana every day, and along with this comes all sorts of different personalities, professions, and interests— just like any other group of people.

Marijuana and these pipes has been unfairly stigmatized for too long now. It is clear that this plant DOES NOT make people crazy or violent, and it does not lead to harder drugs at all (a common myth is that using weed leads you to use cocaine– making no sense whatsoever). Marijuana can be used for medical purposes, and it helps improve the lives of countless people.

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