Women’s Ultimate Breast Health Guide For Life

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Majority of women don’t take their breast health as seriously as they should. There are many who ignore the thought that they may have a breast health issue as they don’t want to think of a possibility that something is wrong. However, with growing breast health concerns across the globe and an overwhelming number of women being diagnosed with breast cancer, it becomes more important than ever before to talk about and be aware of breast health. According to Dr. Sidharth Sahni, one of the best breast surgeons in India, knowing information about how to keep breast healthy not only when you face any concern but before the concern arises is essential.

Know What is Normal and What is Unusual

There are women who have breast concerns which are not worrying at all so it is always ideal to seek early treatment for breast cancer, and in most cases completely normal. It is important that one knows these issues which are normal to avoid unnecessary worry. These include:

– Breast tenderness before or during the period.
– Hair around the nipples.
– One breast is slightly different in size than the other.
– One breast hangs a little lower than the other.

For pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, there are additional breast changes that may occur. These include:

– Breast swelling and filling with milk after birth.
– Lumpier breast tissue.
– Larger and more tender breasts.
– Growth of cysts, fluid filled sacs that feel like lumps. Majority of these lumps are not concerning but it is best to get them checked.

When Is It a Warning Sign

Young or old, pregnant or not, if there are any unusual changes that you observe in your breast, it is best to consult a doctor. There might be nothing wrong at all but it is important to get them checked. Here are the warning signs to lookout for:

– A lump that you never felt before.
– Swelling around the armpit, breast or collarbone.
– Changes in the skin near the nipples which include redness, dry or cracked skin.
– Itching in one or both breasts.

Ways To Keep Your Breast Healthy

Now that you know what is normal and what is not, what are the warning signs to be careful of, the next thing is to know about the ways to eliminate these symptoms and keep the breast healthy at all times. Here are simple ways you can promote breast health:

Exercise Regularly: Regular exercise helps in maintaining a healthy weight. If you are overweight, there will be increased estrogen levels which increase chances of developing various diseases including breast cancer. So make sure you exercise daily to (aim for 150 minutes a week) stay fit and healthy.

Eat a Nutritious Diet: Add fruits and vegetables to your diet as they help in fighting free radicals in the body. Grapes and berries are excellent sources of antioxidants. So if they are not a part of your diet yet, add them now.

Limit Alcohol Intake: Studies have shown that three or more drinks of alcohol in a day significantly increases the risk of developing breast cancer. So it is best to limit your alcohol consumption as much as you can.

Remember, it is never too late to incorporate positive lifestyle changes and improve your health which in turn reduce chances of developing breast issues.


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